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Before describing the API for this section, let's quickly mention what a node is and what a tree is in Build UI:

  • Tree: a structure that defines a normalized form of a tree hierarchy.
  • Node: a structure that defines a normalized form of a tree node.

Build UI internally uses these node and tree structures to represent builder state. You will not need to think about this, though. The API also exposes a couple of functions to define these structures whenever you need to.


Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A function used to instantiate a Node object.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const node: Node = item({
type: String,
props: Object,
__id__?: String,

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const button = item({
type: 'Button',
props: {text: 'My Button'}
fixed: true,

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • configuration: Object

An object with required type key, and optional props, and **__id__ (See itemid() for nuances) keys with their respective values.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

A Node with the provided configuration. The node instance has the following methods:

  • with_meta: (meta: Object) => node: Node

A function to initialize the node with a list of indexes. If not provided, the default metadata for the node is an object with a key id and the assigned id as its value. It returns a node instance with the current node configuration plus the passed metadata

  • with_index: (...index: String) => node: Node

A function to initialize the node with a list of named indexes. It returns a node instance configured with the passed metadata. It returns a node instance with the current node configuration plus the passed named indexes.

  • with_index_list: (...index: String) => node: Node

A function to initialize the node with a list of named list indexes. It returns a node instance with the meta object assigned. It returns a node instance with the current node configuration plus the passed named index lists.


Please notice that the return value is not a plain JS object. It is an instance of a class.


Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A function used to instantiate a Tree object.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const tree: Tree = branch(node: Node);

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const section = item({
type: 'Section'
const subsection = item({
type: 'Section'
const button = item({
text: 'Button',
props: {text: 'My Button'}
const button = (

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • node: Node

The root node for the created tree.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

A Tree with the provided configuration. The tree instance has the following methods:

  • with_child: (node: Node | tree: Tree) => tree: Tree

A function used to append a child to a tree. The child can itself be another tree.


Please notice that the return value is not a plain JS object. It is an instance of a class.


Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A function used to generate a random id for a Node, using the __id__ property. You should only use it when necessary; otherwise an auto-generated is a better option.


Use this function only when necessary. Having duplicate id's for Nodes in the builder state will cause Nodes to be overwritten.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const id: String = itemid(int: size);

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const id = itemid();
const button = item({
__id__: id,
type: 'Button'

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • size: int The length of the id string.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

A randomly generated string id.