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Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A React hook that provides selectors to get information for a node by providing a query.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const collected: Object = useCollector({
selector: Function

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const ButtonView = ({
}) => {
const selector = selectors => (
const collected = useCollector({
selector: selector
const editor = useEditor({
id: id
return <DnDBuilder
onDragStart = {!collected.meta.fixed && editor.handleDragStart}
onDragEnd = {!collected.meta.fixed && editor.handleDragEnd}
draggable = {!collected.meta.fixed}
<Button {...props}>

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • selector: (selectors: Object) => chosen: Function

A function that takes the available selectors in an object with the selector functions as values as input, and should return one of the selector functions called with its respective parameter. (See example usage to understand better).

  • selectById (id: String) => selector: Function
    Collect a node using its id.

  • selectByIndex (name: String) => selector: Function
    Collect a node related to a named index.

  • selectRoot () => selector: Function
    Collect root node.

  • selectParent (id: String) => selector: Function
    Collect parent of node using its id.

  • selectByFilter (filter: Function) => selector: Function
    Collect node using a function that iterates through all nodes and returns true whenever its finds a match.


You should use some of the selectors, like selectParent with caution. Remember React's data flow, do not opt in for hacky solutions using a collector when there are better solutions using React best practices.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

  • query: Object

The query object that was collected by the specified selector.

  • It has the following keys:

    • node: Object

      The collected node.


      See Node for more information about nodes.

    • Example Usage:

      const type = collected.node.type;
    • meta: Object

      An object with the metadata information for the collected node.

    • Example Usage:

      const fixed = collected.meta.fixed;
    • indexes: Proxy

      A proxy object with Boolean values depending on whether the id for the collected node is related to the named index used as the key for the indexes object.

    • Example Usage:

      // True / False
      const selected = collected.indexes.selected;
      // True / False
      const panel = collected.indexes.panel;


A React hook that provides selectors to get information for a group node by providing a query.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const collected: Object = useMultiCollector(params: Object);

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const FormView = ({
}) => {
const selector = selectors => (
const collected = useMultiCollector({
selector: selector
const children = collected.listNodes();
const hasSubmitButton = children.some(child => (
element.type === 'Button' &&
element.props.type = 'submit'
const editor = useEditor({
id: id
return <DnDBuilder
onDragStart = {editor.handleDragStart}
onDragEnd = {editor.handleDragEnd}
onDrop = {editor.handleDrop}
draggable = {true}
<Form {...props}>
{!hasSubmitButton && <Warning text = {`
Form has no Submit Button!
Drag one and drop here

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • selector: (selectors: Object) => chosen: Function

A function that takes the available selectors in an object with the selector functions as values as input, and should return one of the selector functions called with its respective parameter. (See example usage to understand better).

  • selectMultipleById ( String) => selector: Function
    Collect multiple node using their ids.

  • selectMultipleByIndex (index: String) => selector: Function
    Collect multiple node using a named index list.

  • selectParents (id: String) => selector: Function
    Collect all ancestors for node using its id.

  • selectDirectChildren (id: String) => selector: Function
    Collect direct descendant nodes using its id.

  • selectChildren (id: String) => selector: Function
    Collect all descendant nodes using its id.

  • selectMultipleByFilter (filter: Function) => selector: Function
    Collect multiple nodes using a function that iterates through all nodes and returns true whenever its finds a match.


You should use some of the selectors, like selectParents with caution. Remember React's data flow, do not opt in for hacky solutions using a collector when there are better solutions using React best practices.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

  • query: Object

The query object that was collected by the specified selector.

  • It has the following keys:

    • nodes: Object

      An object with the collected ids as keys and the collected nodes as values.


      See Node for more information about nodes.

    • Example Usage:

      const type = collected.node[id].type;
    • meta: Object

      An object with the collected ids as keys and the collected metadata for nodes as values.

    • Example Usage:

      const type = collected.meta[id].fixed;
    • indexes: Object

      An object with the collected ids as keys and proxy objects that have Boolean values depending on whether the id for the collected node is related to the named list index used as the key for the indexes object.

    • Example Usage:

      // True / False
      const selected = collected.indexes[id].selected;
      // True / False
      const modified = collected.indexes[id].modified;
    • listIds: () => [id: String]

      A function that puts every collected id into an array.

    • Example Usage:

      const ids = collected.listIds();
    • listNodes: () => [node: Object]

      A function that puts every collected node into an array.

    • Example Usage:

      const buttons = collected.listNodes().filter(node => node.type === 'Button');
    • listMeta: () => [meta: Object]

      A function that puts every collected metadata into an array.

    • Example Usage:

      const fixed = collected.listMeta().filter(meta => meta.fixed);