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Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A React hook that provides logic for handling recurring site building operations, such as drag and drop handlers and Component editing.

Signature ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ#

const editor: Object = useEditor({
id: String,
onDrop: Function,
onDropDone: Function,

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const ComponentView = ({
}) => {
const editor = useEditor({
id: id,
return <DnDBuilder
onDragStart = {editor.handleDragStart}
onDragEnd = {editor.handleDragEnd}
onDrop = {editor.handleDrop}
draggable = {true}
<Component {...props}>

Parameters ๐Ÿ“ฅ#

  • id: String

The ID of the Component to be edited.

Return Value ๐Ÿ“ค#

  • props: Object

The props for the Component with ID passed as a parameter.

  • meta: Object

The metadata for the Component with ID passed as a parameter.


You can learn more about what metadata is here

  • isTransfering: Boolean

A flag that indicates whether there is an ongoing drag operation for the website builder. Most likely if another Component's handleDragStart function was called.

  • handleUpdate: (event: Event, parser?: Function) => void
    • parser: (value: any, previousValue: any) => value: any

A function to update the Component's props from an input field.

  • Example Usage:
const ComponentPanel = ({
}) => {
const editor = useEditor({
id: id
const parser = value => value + 2;
const handleUpdate = event => (
editor.handleUpdate(event, parser)
return <React.Fragment>
type = 'number'
id = 'count'
name = 'count'
value = {editor.props.count}
onChange = {handleUpdate}
<label htmlFor = 'count'>
Count Plus 2

handleUpdate supports path names, so naming the input like path_1.path_2.path_3 will deep-set the prop value {path_1: path_2: path_3: value}

  • handleMetaUpdate: (event: Event, parser?: Function) => void
    • parser: (value: any, previousValue: any) => value: any

A function to update the Component's metadata from an input field.


handleMetaUpdate supports path names, so naming the input like path_1.path_2.path_3 will deep-set the prop value {path_1: path_2: path_3: value}


You can learn more about what metadata is here

Same usage as handleUpdate (see example above).

  • handlePanel: (event: Event) => void

A function to update the Builder's panel. You can pass this function to an event listener such as onClick.

  • handleDragStart: (event: Event) => void

A function to start dragging a component into the website builder. If you wish to supply data as you can do with the HTML API DataTransfer.setData(), see below for triggerDragStart().


With triggerDragStart() you can also supply JS objects as data, not only strings such it is recommended with DataTransfer.setData().

  • handleDragEnd: (event: Event) => void

A function to be called after dragging a component. It is used as a cleanup function for the drag operation.


If you supply a component with the handleDragStart function, you must also support the handleDragEnd. Not doing so will most likely result in errors and unexpected behavior.

  • handleDrop: (event: Event, position: int) => void

A function to allow other components to be dropped into the component that listens to a drop event and handles with this function.


You will most likely not want to compose this function. You should better supply onDrop and onDropDone functions as useEditor paramaters

  • triggerDragStart: (data: Object) => void

A function to start dragging a component into the website builder with supplied metadata. If metadata is not supplied, it will default to an object with a create property with a false value.

  • Example Usage:
const ComponentView = ({
}) => {
const editor = useEditor({
id: id
const handleDragStart = event => {
const meta = {
// Whatever transfer
// metadata you want
// to supply,
// such as event data.
meta: meta
return <DnDBuilder
onDragStart = {handleDragStart}
onDragEnd = {editor.handleDragEnd}
<Component {...props} />
  • toDnDHandler: (handler: Function) => handler: Function | undefined

A wrapper function drag and drop event handlers. You must use this function to wrap your handlers and provide them to onDrop, onDragOver, onDragEnter, onDragLeave, onDragIn, and onDragOut events, in case you are using a DnDListener. If you dont wrap your handlers with this function, your handler will be called even when dragging the same component or parent components inside the component's bounds (most likely not your expected behavior).


Use only for the events listed above. It is not necessary to wrap handleDrop provided by useEditor, since it is already wrapped. toDnDHandler is an idempotent operation, so wraps will have no effect beyond the first wrap.

  • Example Usage:
const ComponentView = ({
}) => {
const editor = useEditor({
id: id
const handleDrop = event => {
// Custom drop logic, like
// cancelling if dropping a
// component of certain type.
const handleOutline = event => {
// Add border on drag enter
const handleRemoveOutline = event => {
// Remove border on drag enter
return <DnDBuilder
onDragStart = {editor.handleDragStart}
onDragEnd = {editor.handleDragEnd}
onDragEnter = {editor.toDnDHandler(handleOutline)}
onDragLeave = {editor.toDnDHandler(handleRemoveOutline)}
onDrop = {editor.toDnDHandler(handleDrop)}
<Component {...props} />