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<DnDListener />#

Use ๐Ÿ”ง#

A React component to handle drag and drop operations, mixing custom behavior and standard HTML DnD behavior for better experience.

It listens to drag and drop operations for a specified transfer type. More about transfer types here.


You will find that most props are the same to those in DnDBuilder. This is because DnDBuilder is a composition of a DnDListener with its listenTransferType prop set to "builder".

Props โš™๏ธ#

  • listenTransferType: String

String representing the transfer type to listen to on a drag operation.


See this for more information on transfer types.

  • listenAny: Boolean

Flag that indicates whether component should listen to any transfer type on a drag operation.


See this for more information on transfer types.

  • onDrop?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drop event.

  • onDragStart?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag start event.

  • onDragEnd?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag end event.

  • onDragOver?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag over event.

  • onDragEnter?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag enter event. It will be called whenever the target element is the top most element on the screen with an onDragEnter handler.


This event behavior is different from HTML dragenter event. It is implemented by Build UI because we think it suits use cases better and provides a better experience.

  • onDragLeave?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag enter event. It will be called wheneve another target with set onDragEnter handler is entered or when leaving bounds of element.


This event behavior is different from HTML dragleave event. It is implemented by Build UI because we think it suits use cases better and provides a better experience.

  • onDragIn?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag in event. It will be triggered whenever a drag operation leaves bounds of target element.


This is not standard HTML API. It is implemented by Build UI because we think it suits use cases better and provides a better experience.

  • onDragOut?: (event: Event) => void

Event handler for drag out. It will be triggered whenever a drag operation leaves bounds of target element.


This is not standard HTML API. It is implemented by Build UI because we think it suits use cases better and provides a better experience.

  • allowTouch?: Boolean

Boolean flag to indicate whether or not to add touch support for drag and drop events.


Default value for allowTouch prop is true

  • dragTouchTimeThreshold?: int

Time in milliseconds (ms) required to trigger a drag start operation for touch screens. (i.e. a screen user must press the screen for as long as the prop value to fire a drag operation).


Default value for dragTouchTimeThreshold prop is 200

  • as?: React.Component | String

Default value for as prop is 'div'

  • ref?: React.MutableRefObject

A reference to DOM node of root component. If no 'as' prop is specified, a reference to default div element.


If the root element is a custom React component, this component will need to use React's forwardRef API in order to work. Otherwise, the component will not be able to forward the ref.


Any other prop not explicitely mentioned above, will be forwarded to the root component rendered with the 'as' prop.

Example Usage ๐Ÿ”#

const DnDLayers = props => {
return <DnDListener
listenTransferType = 'layers'